Take the time to actually learn your perk. There’s a lot more to a perk than levels. It takes manually leveling up your perk at least twice on difficulty-appropriate multiplayer games to truly learn your craft. Playing regular multiplayer games will give you all the on-the-job training you need in how to most effectively play your perk. There’s nothing more pathetic than a rank 5 level 25 player who can’t even deal with basic scenarios. “Training” is a misnomer, because they don’t actually train you in how to play your perk, and when you join a real multiplayer game later it will show. There are many perk “training” maps out there that can be used to powerlevel your perks. You usually can’t go wrong just following these guidelines.

Some of these rules can be bent or broken, but you shouldn’t do that until you have the experience to know when it’s appropriate. If you follow these guidelines, you’ll generally be a good team member that people trust and want to play with. This guide will help you become an effective team member. So you’ve learned how to play your perk and now you want to join multiplayer games! That’s great, but there are a number of things that you need to be aware of. Leave Trash for the Commando During Zed Time.